The Falls Creek Schools Carnival hosts a variety of individual and team events open to school aged competitors, with the Amelia McGuiness Foundation Time Trail being open to school aged and adults competitors. Competitors may choose to enter any of the following events.

Competitors from the Regional NSW Interschools Championships, Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships, and ASSSTC will compete together each day. However, results will be categorised and awards presented according to the specific event each competitor has entered.



Event Information and Start lists

Monday 28 July

Amelia McGuiness Foundation Time Trial

Disciplines: Alpine and Snowboard GS

Presentation: Details on location and times
will be published on the event schedule.

Tuesday 29 July

Falls Creek Regional Schools Champs
Regional NSW Interschools Champs

Disciplines: Alpine GS and Snowboard GS

Presentation: Regional NSW Interschools & Falls Creek Regional
 Schools Championships. Details on location and times will be
 published on the event schedule.

Wednesday 30 July 

Falls Creek Regional Schools Champs
Regional NSW Interschools Champs

Disciplines: Ski Cross and Snowboard Cross

Presentation: Regional NSW Interschools & Falls Creek Regional
 Schools Championships. Details on location and times will be
 published on the event schedule.

Thursday 31 July

Falls Creek Regional Schools Champs
Regional NSW Interschools Champs

  Disciplines: Moguls & Cross Country Classic (TBC), Cross Country Freestyle Relay

  Presentation: ASSTC, Regional NSW Interschools &
  Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships. Details on location
  and times will be published on the event schedule.



Volunteers Required

The event management team is seeking volunteer course officials to help ensure participants enjoy a safe and well-run experience.

Available roles include start marshals, gate judges, and, for cross-country (XC) events, recorders and timers. Volunteers are typically needed for around two hours during their assigned course.

On the day of volunteering, each official will receive a folder and a complimentary lift pass (if they do not have a season pass). Checking in at the race desk early enough for course inspection is essential.

All volunteers must complete a waiver.

To express your interest, please email Rebecca at rclark@snow.org.au with your name, school, and the course details (including day, discipline, and division).

2025 Participant and Volunteer Waivers

It is a condition of entry that all participants must complete an Online Participant waiver to compete in the 2025 Schools Championships.

Additionally, all volunteer course officials must complete a volunteer waiver.

To complete a participant or volunteer waiver, click on the following link. Select the school name 'Falls Creek Schools Carnival' from the please select dropdown box.

Waivers will be available closer to the event.

Event Office and Bib Collection

The event office will be in a new location in 2025 at the Village Bowl area - Falls Creek Sports.

Bib collection times include:

  • Sunday July 27 - 3.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Monday July 28 to Tuesday July 31 - every event morning - 8.00am to 9.00am

Event Information: Amelia McGuiness Memorial Time Trials

The Amelia McGuiness Memorial Time Trials  are open to school-aged children and adults. Skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels can compete in the following disciplines, being Alpine Giant Slalom, Snowboard Giant Slalom.

Participants can enter individually and will enter into the following school year divisions, or the Adult division - all divisions have female or male categories:

Division 1 - Year 11 and 12

Division 2 - Year 9 and 10

Division 3 - Year 7 and 8

Division 4 - Year 5 and 6

Division 5 - Year 4 and below

Division 6 - Kindergarten to Year 2 (available for Alpine and Ski Cross only, for snowboard events enter Division 5).


All proceeds will go to the Amelia McGuiness Australian Snowsports Development Foundation.

Event Information: Australian Secondary Schools Snowsports Team Championships (ASSSTC)

The Australia Secondary Schools Snowsports Team Championships (ASSSTC) is an annual snow sport event which enables secondary school students to compete for their school as a team to earn points across multiple disciplines including Alpine and Snowboard GS, Ski Cross, Snowboard Cross and Cross Country Classic (TBC) and Cross Country Freestyle Relay (TBC).

To find out more about this event, please click here to download the ASSSTC Handbook and to review the ASSSTC rules.

Event Information: Regional NSW Interschools Championships 

The Regional NSW Interschools Championships is for NSW schools located in the Greater Hume, South West NSW regions.

Skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels can compete in seven disciplines, being Alpine Giant Slalom, Snowboard Giant Slalom, Ski Cross, Snowboard Cross, Moguls, Cross Country Classic (TBC) and Cross Country Freestyle Relay (TBC).

Participants can enter individually and will enter into the following school year divisions - all divisions have female or male categories:

Division 1 - Year 11 and 12

Division 2 - Year 9 and 10

Division 3 - Year 7 and 8

Division 4 - Year 5 and 6

Division 5 - Year 4 and below

Division 6 - Kindergarten to Year 2 (available for Alpine and Ski Cross only, for snowboard events enter Division 5).

Confirmed competitive times and/or scores for NSW competitors competing in the Regional NSW Interschools Championships will provide the opportunity to enter the NSW/ACT/QLD/SA State Interschools Snowsport ChampionshipsSchools will be informed of success times and scores as soon as possible after the completion of the competition.

Victorian competitors must compete in the Victorian State Interschools Championships held in Mt Buller in August, to qualify through to the Australian National Interschools Snowsports Championships.

Event Information: Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships

The Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships is a participation event for Victorian Schools.

Skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels can compete in seven disciplines, being Alpine Giant Slalom, Snowboard Giant Slalom, Ski Cross, Snowboard Cross, Moguls, Cross Country Classic (TBC) and Cross Country Freestyle Relay (TBC).

Participants can enter individually and will enter into the following school year divisions - all divisions have female or male categories:

Division 1 - Year 11 and 12

Division 2 - Year 9 and 10

Division 3 - Year 7 and 8

Division 4 - Year 5 and 6

Division 5 - Year 4 and below

Division 6 - Kindergarten to Year 2 (available for Alpine and Ski Cross only, for snowboard events enter Division 5).

To qualify through to the Australian National Interschools Snowsports Championships, Victorian competitors must compete in the Victorian State Interschools Championships held in Mt Buller in August.

Event Cost

In 2025 the event entry fees for all events hosted during the Falls Creek Schools Carnival are as follows: 

  • Amelia McGuiness Foundation Time Trial: $48 per competitor, per discipline
  • Regional NSW Interschools Championships: $48 per competitor, per discipline
  • Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships: $48 per competitor, per discipline
  • ASSSTC: Free to competitors entered into the Regional NSW Interschools Champs and Falls Creek Regional Schools Event. For other competitors entering into ASSSTC only: $48 per competitor, per discipline

The Cross Country Relay (TBC) is free for those entering into the Cross Country Classic (TBC).

Payment for all events except for the ASSSTC event will be required when completing online entries. Schools will be invoiced for ASSSTC entries who have not entered into the Regional NSW Interschools and Falls Creek Regional Schools Champsionships.

Please note that the entry fees do not include a lift pass. 

Calendar of Important Dates

Following are the list of closure dates:




12 May

Online entry opens for all events

Entry Fee: $48

Online entries completed via the Snow Australia Entry System

20 May

Event Webinar

An Event Information webinar be held at 4.30pm.
Register for the webinar 

21 July

Online entry closes

Participant waivers due

Falls Creek Schools Carnvial and ASSSTC entries close

21 July

Online entry closes 

Participant waivers due

Amelia McGuiness Foundation Time Trial entries close


Falls Creek Schools Carnival Poster 

The 2025 Falls Creek Schools Carnival Promotional Poster is available for families and schools to download as print and digital ready for you to display at your school and/or included in your school newsletter.

 This is a great way to promote the events at your school.


Event Ticketing

Competitors and Team Managers without a 2025 Epic Australia Pass can purchase an event lift pass in resort at Falls Creek Sports Slalom Plaza or Village Bowl, valid only from Monday 28 to Thursday 31 July.  

Team Managers registered via the online entry system before the deadline qualify for a discounted pass. A final eligibility list will be provided to the Falls Creek ticket office. No changes will be made once the online entry is closed. 

Volunteer course officials on the event roster receive a free lift pass for their assigned day, available from 7:30 am at the Interschools event office in Village Bowl area - Falls Creek Sports.

Event Lift Pass Prices


Adult (18+)

Child (5-17)

1 Day



2 Day Consecutive



3 Day Consecutive



4 Day Consecutive



Snow Pass card is also required for $6 .


Competitors from the Regional NSW Interschools Championships, Falls Creek Regional Schools Championships, and ASSSTC will compete together each day. However, results will be categorised and awards presented according to the specific event each competitor has entered.

Presentations will be held daily. Details on location and times will be published on the event schedule.

Subscribe to Interschools eNews

Please make sure you are subscribed to receive the Interschools eNews for updates on when new information on the Schools and Interschools Championships is released.


Event Contact

Rebecca Clark, Snow Australia Community Engagement Manager - rclark@snow.org.au - 0408 006 415