Information on the SUBARU NSW / ACT / QLD State Interschools Snowsport Championships is provided below.  More information will be available closer to the event dates.






Training and Lessons

Interschools does not provide any training on the event courses prior to the events. If you are looking for training or lessons, these are available through Perisher Snowsports School. Perisher has the following training offerings.





Event Ticketing

Click here to purchase lift tickets, lessons and rentals.

Competitors and Team Managers must purchase lift tickets and book lessons and rentals online. It is encouraged to book lessons early, as they do sell out during peak periods.

Mountain Access Card is a reusable card that holds your lift tickets, lessons purchases and benefits. Click here to find out how to collect your Mountain Access Card. Check out the Help Centres for more information.

A reminder that there are no reduced day-pass ticketing for Competitors and Team Managers at the Regional and State events at Perisher. The normal daily rate will apply, and will be age-specific as per the Perisher day-ticket rates for children & adults. Registered Competitors and Team Managers are guaranteed purchase access to a day-pass for their event day.

Volunteer Course Officials that appear on the event volunteer roster, will receive a free-of-charge day pass on the allocated event day to be collected at the Interschools event office in the Perisher Skitube Terminal. 

Volunteer Course Officials

Volunteer Course Officials that appear on the event volunteer roster, will receive a free-of-charge day pass on the allocated event day to be collected at the Interschools event office in the Perisher Skitube Terminal. 

Volunteer check-in and lift ticket collection are at the Interschools Event Office in the Perisher Skitube Terminal. Lift ticket collection and volunteer check-in can only be done on the day you are volunteering, not the day before, between 7.30 am and 11.00 am. If you are traveling through Bullocks Flat, you will need to collect a train ticket from the guest services desk in the Terminal.


Event Updates

A WhatsApp group has been created for event updates on the State Interschools Championships. Click Here to join. 


Event Office

The Interschools event office is located in the Perisher Skitube Terminal. Look out for the event flags and signage.

The Interschools Event Office will be open from 7.30 am - 11.00 am each event day.


Competition Bib Collection

Competition bibs are distributed as a whole to the school coordinator or their representative. We cannot distribute individual bibs.

Bib Collection Times at the Event Office

  • August 18 - 3.00pm - 4.30pm
  • August 19 to 23, each event morning