Victorian Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group


Victorian Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group (VISAG) Overview

Snow Australia is Australia’s peak body for snowsports.  Its Board is elected by Snow Australia Members, it is predominantly Federal Government funded and is affiliated with the Australian Olympic Committee and the International Ski Federation (FIS).

The Victorian Interschool Snowsports Championships has a long and proud history, benefitting from the involvement of a parade of eminent volunteers and supporting organisations all of whom rightly claim a sense of ownership of the event.  Snow Australia, in its capacity as the peak body remains the custodian, and its responsibilities for the Event are undertaken by the Victorian Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group (VISAG).

In turn, VISAG will gain representation on the Snow Australia National Interschools and Sport Development Committee (NISDC), which amongst other things will provide a forum for all state based Interschools Advisory Groups.

In broad terms, the composition of VISAG membership reflects the “three pillars” of Interschool Snowsports being:

  • Education;
  • Snowsports; and
  • Host Alpine Resort.

While the responsibility for the operation and delivery of the Event rest with Mt Buller as a whole, the core mandate of VISAG is to provide an expert interface between:

  • Mt Buller, as the provider of the Event; and
  • key participating stakeholders being Victorian Schools and Snowsports.

All stakeholders have agreed that the core purposes of the Event are to:

  • Increase schools’ participation in Snowsports ;
  •  deliver a high quality Interschools event;
  • provide an affordable Interschools event; and
  • provide opportunities for Australian school students of all ages to experience Snowsports and to participate at either a recreational or competitive level.

All Members of VISAG have sensitivity to the competitive school sport environment and the challenges of encouraging participation in snowsport activities.  Notwithstanding any inevitable industry connections, Members demonstrate and maintain a holistic approach to overseeing this important event for snowsports and industry alike.  In this regard, the Advisory Group is populated on the basis of relevant expertise and empathy rather than direct representative basis.  This ensures the priority of the Advisory Group will be the betterment of the Interschools Events rather than the narrower agendas of particular stakeholder sectors.

VISAG operates as an Advisory Group of Snow Australia and is also resourced by Snow Australia.  This means that all appointments, including election of the Chair, are be subject to Snow Australia Board approval. Click Here for the current Snow Australia State Interschools Advisory Group Terms of Operation document. 


The current membership of VISAG comprises the following individuals:

John Dyson (Chair) Snow Australia
Dean Gosper  Snow Australia Board Member
Michael Kennedy Snow Australia CEO
Nicole Roache Education
Vicki Hoban Education
David Aitken  Education
Peter Gibbons  Education
Stephen Green Education
Martin Francis Education
Allan Arthur Host Resort - General Manager Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management (ARV)

Noel Landry 
(Ross Taylor - Alternate)

Host Resort - General Manager Buller Ski Lifts
Host Resort - Assistant General Manager / Commercial Manager

Steve Nelson Snow Australia - General Manager Participation and Sport Development
1 Vacancy TBA


VISAG is also supported by:

David Speirs Event Manager - Mt. Buller
Ross Taylor Buller Ski Lifts - Assistant General Manager / Commercial Manager
Wendy Olsen Snow Australia - National Events Coordinator
Rebecca Clark Snow Australia - Community Engagement Manager


Snow Australia National Interschools Framework

Snow Australia completed a review of the National Interschools and Participation Discipline framework in 2021. As a result of the review, the Snow Australia Board has implemented a revised structure which will have oversight over Participation and Sport Development at Snow Australia. 



VISAG Acknowledges Past Interschools Committee Chairs and Life Members

The Victorian Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group wish to acknowledge Chair Persons and Life Members of previous entities that have anaged the event over many years. Collectively, these individuals have provided the vision and leadership that has seen more and more Victorian school children enjoy participation and competition across an exciting array of events in an alpine environment.

Committee Chairs; Mike Tinsley, Roger Kemelfield, Michael David, Tom Swan, David Perkins, Leigh Crang, Debbie Bennett    
Life Members: Rino Grollo, Diana Grollo, Roger Kemelfield, Debbie Bennett, Jane Webster, David Perkins, Martin Soutter, Neil McLennan, David Hibbard